Eldorado High School students Raul Iglesias, Isaiah Seymore and Ricky Romo earned academic honors recently from the College Board National Recognition Programs. The programs celebrate students’ …
Schleicher County Commissioners met Monday, August 21st and voted to give themselves a 12% pay raise while approving 4% pay hikes for most other elected officials. County Judge Charlie Bradley and Justice of the Peace Rahegyn Franke did not receive a raise.
Two men killed in a head-on crash east of Eldorado on U.S. Highway 190 have been identified following an autopsy in Lubbock.
Proud father Michael Ballew snaps a photo of his son Grant and daughter Ella with Grant’s kindergarten teacher Alyssa Cooper during Meet the Teacher night on Monday, August 14th at Eldorado …
Schleicher County ISD students will be operating this year under a new set of rules, thanks to changes in the district’s Student Code of Conduct. Among the changes is a rule concerning vaping on and around the school campus.
The Eldorado City Council met Monday, August 14th, to handle the city’s monthly business. Among items on the agenda was a public hearing for a variance requested by Monica Soto who wanted to operate a commercial kitchen from a small trailer behind her home at 10 E. Fields Street.
Schleicher County ISD students will head back to school next week. Classes begin on Wednesday, Aug. 16th. Students will get their first holiday on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4th. Parent/teacher …
Schleicher County commissioners met Monday, August 7th, and considered several items of business, including a proposed pay increase for elected officials. Among those is a proposal that would raise the County Sheriff’s pay to $75,000 per year.
The Plateau Underground Water Conservation & Supply District (PUWD) board of directors met Wednesday, July 26th, and briefly discussed the passage of Senate Bill 2440 which mandates Texas counties to require future subdivisions to certify the availability of groundwater.
Eldorado volunteer firefighter Esubio Esquivel gathers up debris that spread across a pasture about eight miles west of town after a 2000 Ford pickup, driven by Seejack Lewis Hughes, 51, of Austin, …
Eldorado kids had an amazing Saturday last weekend at our 4-H fishing camp. We had 21 kids attend our camp held at Commissioner Gary Gibson’s Pond. The kids were able to learn about fishing laws and regulations from Game Wardens Chris Fry and Reid Dunagan.
The I-27 Numbering Act of 2023 (S.992) sponsored by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and co-sponsored by Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Martin Heinrich (NM), and Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) to formally name the …
Schleicher County Treasurer Jennifer Henderson attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) annual conference and exposition last week in Travis County The nation’s largest annual …
The Schleicher County Rodeo Association held its 54th annual Top of the Divide Rodeo on Friday and Saturday, July 28th & 29th at the rodeo area south of town.
Two fun-filled days of activity is planned for Eldorado this weekend with the 54th annual Top of the Divide Rodeo sharing center stage with the 92nd annual Mias Amigas Club meeting (see story below) and the annual Schleicher County Day Festival.
This week, we offer the fifth and final installment of our hanging tree series. We learn about the Halletsville Hanging Tree where a native American man was hanged after being convicted of shooting and killing a man in 1878. Then there is the Center Hanging Oak where, on separate occassions in the 1920s, two Black teenagers, neither of whom stood trial for their alleged crimes, were hanged by lynch mobs.
The Mias Amigas Club meets this weekend to induct the Class of 1973 and Class of 2003. Five members of the board met on July 15th to make final preparations for the meeting on Friday and Saturday, which is being held on the final weekend in July for the first time.
The Schleicher County Public Library (SCPL) has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Wayne & JoAnn Moore Foundation to assist in the building renovations/equipment, furnishings, and security/technology equipment for the proposed new public library at the Eldorado Service Center (ESC).
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General ( HHS OIG)is alerting the public about a fraud scheme involving genetic testing. Scammers are offering Medicare beneficiaries cheek swabs for genetic testing to obtain their Medicare information for identity theft or fraudulent billing purposes
Schleicher County Commissioners met Monday, July 24th and heard from Connon Emmons, president of the Eldorado Golf Club, who told them that the club has purchased 12 tee markers. Ten of the 12 markers have been sponsored and will be five feet tall when installed.