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SCISD Superintendent Oscar Aguero announced on Tuesday that he had overturned a controversial rule that prevented EHS cheerleaders from wearing their uniforms during school hours.
The Eldorado City Council met Monday, September 9th, and learned that a commercial variance for new food truck is no longer needed. Cristina Mata had previously asked for the variance for her residence at 610 North Street. Mata will instead place the food truck at 105 W. Brooks Avenue, a location that already has a commercial zoning variance.
Schleicher County Commissioners met Tuesday, September 3rd and voted to adopt the proposed 2025 budget, but only after making several amendments.
Wade Oliver, a licensed hydrologist, and the principal scientist for Intera, an Austin-based geo-science/engineering firm, was on hand Thursday, August 29th, to update the Plateau Underground Water Conservation & Supply District (PUWD) board of directors on the status of the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer.
Skyrocketing costs were the focus Monday night as the Schleicher County Hospital District board of trustees met for their regular monthly meeting, particularly insurance premiums and food costs.
The Schleicher County ISD board of trustees met Monday evening, August 26th and voted to adopt a $7,397,519.00 budget for the 2025 fiscal year that begins on September 1st. The new budget is roughly $600,000 less than the 2024 budget, due primarily to declining enrollment that requires fewer teachers. It should be noted that staff reduction has come through retirement and attrition.
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