Eldorado Mayor George Arispe submitted his letter of resignation Monday evening June 10th during the monthly meeting of the Eldorado City Council. The letter, read aloud by City Secretary Karla Reyes cited health concerns as the reason for his resignation.
The Schleicher County ISD board of trustees met Monday evening June 10th in the district's board room where three trustees took the oath of office. Among those were Michelle Mynatt, who was also elected to serve as the board's president, and newly elected trustees Rene Valeriano and Russell Cathey.
The Plateau Underground Water Conservation & Supply District board of directors met Thursday, May 30th, at the Schleicher County Civic Center where they voted to hire Cindy Cawley to replace Jon Cartwright when he steps down as the district’s manager at the end of August.
The Schleicher County Public Library (SCPL) has been awarded a $150,000 challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation to assist in the building renovations/equipment, furnishings, and security/technology equipment for the new public library at a portion of the Eldorado Service Center.
The Eldorado High School Band flute ensembles performed at the UIL Texas State Solo & Ensemble Contest at Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville on May 27th. The flute trio of Brooklyn Truelove, …
When Schleicher County and District Clerk Mary Ann Gonzalez retires on June 30th, she will turn her duties over to her current deputy clerk, Marsha Maskill. That news came during Monday’s meeting of the Schleicher County Commissioners Court when the men voted unanimously to appoint Maskill to fill the position.
U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales fended off a challenge Tuesday from gun rights activist and YouTube influencer Brandon Herrera in the Republican primary runoff election. Gonzales carried the night 15,023 to 14,616 in a low-turnout election where only 5.84% of the registered voters participated.
Schleicher County Medical Center and Schleicher County Family Clinic (SCMC) experienced a computer breach on March 13, 2024, that may have exposed information about our hospital and clinic patients.
A crowd of about 35 people gathered Monday morning, May 27th, at the Eldorado Cemetery to pay tribute to Schleicher County’s war dead as part of the annual Memorial Day observance.
Thirty-five Eldorado High School graduates received their diplomas on Friday evening, May 24th, at Larry Mitchell Stadium, as an audience of friends, family, and well-wishers looked on.
The 2024 Eldorado Middle School Academic Awards presentation was divided into two programs featuring 5th and 6th grades together, followed by the 7th and 8th grade classes. Both programs where held in the Eldorado High School Auditorium Thursday, May 20, 2024.
The Eldorado’s FFA chapter held its annual awards banquet at the Schleicher County Civic Center on Friday, May 17th, with the chapter’s junior chapter conducting team serving as hosts.
BACK-TO-BACK STATE CHAMPIONS -- The Eldorado High School UIL science team won the Conference 2A State Championship for the second year in a row. They claimed their trophy at the UIL State Academic …
The Eldorado High School 2024 Spring Band Concert was held Thursday, May 16th, in the EHS auditorium. During the concert, Assistant Band Director Justina Saunders emcee for the 6th, 7th, 8th and High School band awards.
The 2024 Eldorado Elementary Awards Program was held Friday, May 17th in the Elementary School Auditorium with friends and family members in attendance per grade.
More than one hundred members of the Schleicher County ISD faculty and staff were on hand Tuesday, May 21st for the district’s staff appreciation luncheon held in the school cafeteria.
Eldorado resident and accomplished oil painter, Virginia Howell has been invited to show her paintings at the prestigious 21st Annual Texas Masters of Fine Art and Craft Invitational Show, Friday, May 24, through Sunday, May 26, in the ballrooms of the historic YO Ranch Hotel.
Jon Cartwright, manager of the Plateau Underground Water Conservation & Supply District, announced this week that the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is looking for a place in Schleicher County to place a weather station.
The Schleicher County ISD board of trustees met Monday afternoon, May 13th, and took the opportunity to recognize past and outgoing board members for their service to the district.
Schleicher County Commissioners heard public comments Monday during a hearing regarding a renewal of the county’s criteria and guidelines for tax abatement procedures. County Judge Charlie Bradley explained that the process is required every two years in order for the county to grant tax abatements for projects such as wind and solar farms.